Sunday, October 16, 2005

Here again

3 months after my last post and I'm back.
This is probably the height of inconsistencies....

Pls. completely disregard the long story of my last blog. Sounded like crap.

Will be hitting the landmark 30 in a few months time, so I'm in a race to do some stuff I have not done before.
My motto/question now is: when last did I do something for the first time?

Got a powerbike a short while ago and I have been receiving flak as to WHY??? I love it!
Applied for an MBA also. I hope I get admitted. Conditions seem kinda stiff. What with aptitude tests and interviews? All in a bid to stress my brain? Am I mixing something up here?

Will talk l8r
Posted by at 2:05 pm |  


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